Details are often the key to success or failure and quality, which is also true in the view of packaging factories. When ordering handbags for many electronic products, only the shell of the paper bags are made perfectly, but some important things are ignored. However, a qualified electronic gift bag factory must not ignore this…
In fact, the gift box we often mention to the packaging factory is nothing more than using some unique materials or technology, plus some small ideas to make a high-end gift box that gives people a very famous brand. The materials and technology account for 80% of the leading, while the proportion used for the…
Speaking of paper bags, a very important detail of the gift handbag that Junye packaging factory did not mention in the introduction last week is the author’s negligence, but the length of the hand rope used to make the gift bag is probably as long as that mentioned in the previous news. This is not…
A while ago, after introducing some of the inner cartons of the electronic box manufacturer, I received some emails hoping to introduce more electronic product carton manufacturers to make some classified introductions on some specific inner cartons. Today, I will comply with the requirements of these friends and introduce some rising stars of sponge inner…
Last week, the packaging factory once introduced to you three box styles that are more suitable for making electronic product cartons. However, as long as the electronic box factory give these unsuitable styles a little and add some special things, they can appear in front of consumers with the customized specifications of paper box and…
Recently, packaging factories have taken paper electronic gift bag as the theme, so today I will share with you another very important but easily overlooked aspect in the process of making paper bags. This content skill affects the cost of handbags and the safety of the overall performance of handbags. How to arrange and design…
In this era of paying attention to appearance and appearance, packaging factories really see fewer and fewer friends who only use physical technology to produce paper box effects, especially those who can see the original color of paper in custom mobile electronics packaging boxes manufacturers. Then printing color is the general trend of carton production,…
A few days ago, the packaging factory introduced the common terms in the customization of electronic product paper bags and the introduction of some common units. In the process of custom electronic gift bag, it often uses more than terms and professional titles. There are also many misconceptions in the design (especially in companies without…
Many business friends who need customized electronics packaging for electronic products think that the outer packaging of Paper Box only needs to reflect the sense of science and technology, but in fact, this is also a misunderstanding of Electronics Packaging Box design. It does not mean that all electronic product packaging box customization needs a…
Two days ago, the packaging factory was introducing the types and introductions of some special paper, and everyone also had a certain understanding of the special paper materials that can be used in the custom electronic paper bag of electronic products. For example, Lenny, yansuo and wire drawing are more in line with the temperament…