Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years

According to the business data statistics of Junye packaging factory in the past 17 years, looking at the entire electronic box custom industry, it can be roughly divided into two types of paper box types and material design. What are these packaging box designs? Today, the carton electornics packaging box factory will share with you what they are.

Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years
Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years

1. Soft box type + pit box material, this design is the product of a paper packaging box factory that has existed for a long time, such as the outer packaging box of some light tubes. Although it is a long box, it is a pit paper. Through the technology of beer and pasting, this paper box is made. When it is made, it is to directly print what needs to be printed on the primary color paper cover, Although the difficulty is not high, the appearance may not be so gorgeous, but the cost is very considerable. In addition to lamps, there are also some routers, graphics cards and other electronic products. The customized packaging box is also this kind of paper box with higher cost performance.

Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years
Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years

2. Cardboard + paperboard, this kind of packaging box, slowly flowed into China after the reform and opening up in 1997, and began to prevail in our country, but it was not so popular at that time as it is now, and became the mainstream custom-made type of electronic box custom, because at that time, peripheral factors such as economy and so on led to the formation of pit box in the market, which could compete with this kind of good-looking packaging box, However, with the decline of a mobile phone business represented by pit boxes, the electronic products industry developed with the rapid rise of the mobile phone industry in the past 10 years began to take the form of cardboard + paperboard as the main form of boxes.

Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years
Changes in electronic box custom in recent 25 years

The above two points are some changes in the current popularity and development of electronic box custom of electronic products. The changes in box types and materials can be clearly seen that slowly, people’s lives in our country are improving, and the process technology is also improving with the consumer demand, becoming more and more mature and stable. I hope you have a deeper understanding of the packaging industry.

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