In the past, the packaging jewelry paper bag factory used to focus on small, exquisite, high-end and luxurious jewelry packaging bag. However, we often forget some enthusiastic buyers in China, which is known as the “Chinese aunt” with the strongest purchasing power. Today, Junye packaging will analyze their consumption habits and how to deal with them when making paper bags.

First of all, let’s start with their title of the strongest purchasing power. The reason why they become the strongest purchasing power is that many of their women’s rights are respected, and the concept of equality between men and women is relatively balanced. Therefore, in coastal areas and other areas that pay attention to the rule of law, it is more common for them to control the family economy. It is precisely because the family economy they can control is more abundant, and they will know how to keep money, Cherish these assets and funds, be more cautious about the consumption of luxury goods such as jewelry, and be very picky about the customized outer packaging of jewelry packaging bag.

However, the reason why the “Chinese aunt” group is so famous is that they control the economic artery of the family. However, they are not at ease with the interest of the bank or the financial products without physical objects. They are more inclined to choose products with physical objects that can be touched by themselves. Naturally, jewelry is very suitable for them to change from being a miser to an investment channel for making money, That said, but what role can jewelry handbags play in this? It is also due to the influence of an idea.

Unlike young people, these aunts like to show off all kinds of things. They believe more in “money should not be revealed”. In the past, jewelry gift bags were custom-made with very high-profile and luxurious outer packaging, which actually makes many aunts unaccustomed. What they want to show off is not in the street, but in front of relatives and friends. If paper bags are too luxurious and exposed on the street, they feel insecure, This has affected the impression of this brand in their hearts. Although they will praise the customized style of this handbag when they get home privately, it will definitely become a criticism in their hearts.
In addition to the style should not be too luxurious, there is also the change of specifications. Maybe the previous custom-made jewelry packaging bag used to be small and exquisite. But have you ever thought that these aunts came to buy jewelry, not just one or two pieces, but in complete sets. Whether it’s dowry, dowry, commemorative products, or exaggerated gold and jade, they were purchased in large quantities. At this time, The small and exquisite hand-held bag custom-made packaging seems a little out of place. Does it make consumers carry fourorfive paper bags in one hand? Obviously, this is not a scientific direction. Therefore, when ordering exquisite paper bags, the paper bag factory should also prepare some paper bags with slightly larger specifications, which are more comfortable for consumption, and less luxurious paper bags for standby. This is the way to deal with “Chinese aunt”.