Among the common handbags in custom electronic bag factory, it seems that in recent years, fewer and fewer customers have asked to open windows on both sides of paper bags, but this is also a relatively normal phenomenon, because if paper bags open windows, it is indeed a little unreasonable. Today, the electronic paper bag custom of products will discuss with you why paper handbags do not open windows, while the box jacket is open.

I believe many partners have noticed that this is a common sense problem. We all know that the biggest load-bearing place of paper bags is the place where the ropes are threaded at both ends, in addition to the bottom. In the past, many businesses would require custom electronic bag factory to open a window at the upper middle position on both sides in the process of paper bag customization. It’s just that it is very close to the position where the ropes are threaded at both ends. In this case, the paper bag itself, Without opening the window and hollowing out, all the forces will be dispersed up and down along the surface of the paper bag, so as to make the stress surface more even as far as possible, and will not fall to one side.

However, it is this requirement for the position of opening the window that will impact the way of force averaging. If the paper bag is hollowed out in the upper part of the middle, the stressed surface will instantly shrink to the narrow place at both ends, and then the general consumer’s upward force will carry out private car on the position where the two ends are already not wide. In this process, the two ends will be very weak, leading to tearing, Thus, the products made by the paper bag customization manufacturers of electronic products are very vulnerable.

This is not the most extreme situation. In early years, hollowed out culture was really popular. Some more exaggerated means were to carve out multiple vacancies in the upper middle. If you have seen these hollowed out parts, the paper bag structure in the middle was not damaged, and it was very fragile. Basically, it would be broken without much force, although the hollowed out was really beautiful, very ornamental, and had a good visual impact, However, the custom electronic bag factory actually don’t want to see this technology, because it is easy to appear that the product quality has problems.