Two processes not often used in watch paper bag factories

Before that, Xiaobian of the watch paper bag factories has introduced to you a lot about how to avoid some unfinished or undesirable process matching of hand-held bags. However, even so, there will still be many businesses with big minds who will let the watch paper bag factory do some processes that are difficult to complete with the current process technology. Today, Xiaobian will take you through the inventory of these customized processes in paper bags, What are the technologies that should not appear

Two processes not often used in watch paper bag factories
Two processes not often used in watch paper bag factories

1. the thin paper hits the concave. Although we all know that the paper bags used for making handbags are thicker single copper paper, some watch paper bag factories will make the watch paper bag factory use some thinner materials as the paper materials for making handbags in order to save costs. However, in this case, there will be a problem, that is, if the paper is too thin, it will not be as thick as the box, When it is bumped, the paper fiber will not be damaged, resulting in cracking and perforation. However, the situation of thin paper is the opposite. Therefore, it is unwise to use force technology on thin paper.

Two processes not often used in watch paper bag factories
Two processes not often used in watch paper bag factories

2. comprehensive varnish. As we all know, the varnish of the watch paper bag factory is UV technology, which can make the whole handbag surface very bright. However, the effect of this varnish is only suitable for local handbag production. It should not be comprehensive. If you only want to achieve the bright and shiny effect, you can also use the bright film coating process, so after comparing the cost, It is not very recommended to use a comprehensive polish as the polishing process of paper bags. Grain and oil are more like a finishing touch, which can be embellished on key patterns

Due to space problems, I will temporarily summarize two processes that are not suitable for paper bags for the watch paper bag factories today. In the next chapter, I will summarize more processes that are not suitable for paper bags, so that we can have a better understanding of the packaging industry

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