A few days ago, after introducing a customized usb paper bag case brought by a business colleague of Junye paper bags factory, many partners said that this is inevitable. Many times, such as the customized data line paper bag, which is not consistent with the conventional size model, the packaging box in it is certainly not in some conventional state, so it needs to pay constant attention to the dynamics of each other and make adjustments in time in the process of making handbags, So today, I’ll share with you when paper bag factories can adjust by holding bags.

1. There is no formal design draft data for the customization of data line usb paper bag, such as the determination of some Pantone color numbers, but the depth of paper beer and the grams of paper materials notified are important data, but these data often change. Sometimes, why do manufacturers responsible for making handbags always recommend merchants to choose single copper paper, which is a conventional 250gsm and 280gsm single copper paper, to prevent, It’s not because the merchants want to replace the paper on their own initiative, but when the paper is out of stock or insufficient, it will be very embarrassing.

2. When the first product sample comes out, you can also adjust the data of the big goods. Some merchants with bad intentions will do all they can to make the first sample, which makes the merchants mistakenly think that it is exactly the same as the big goods sample. In fact, there is a mistake area, and there are some process effects. If you use digital proofing and only make a few samples of paper bags, its effect, It is definitely better than thousands of samples of large goods, which are more than dozens of times. Because of this operation, many businesses are beginning to be eye-catching. If they are very satisfied with the effect of the first proofing, unless the customized technology of data line paper bag is really super simple, otherwise they will require to adjust the paper bag data again, and then do it again. Usually, if they do this high-quality sample again, The cost of this ill intentioned manufacturer will be much higher, so at this time, it is particularly important to adjust the sample data before the bulk goods.

3. When the large sample comes out, the customization of usb paper bag has basically come to the end. To adjust the data, we must seize this opportunity. If the effect is very satisfactory step by step, and the effect of the large sample is also very satisfactory, then this is a successful data line paper bag. If the effect is not satisfactory, we should seize this time to adjust as soon as possible, Otherwise, the loss will be very huge.