Speaking of data line paper bags, Junye packaging factory is really a basin of bitter tears. Once there was a business that needed data line handbag customization service, which was of the type that did not have his own opinion. When he consulted about paper bags related issues, his business colleagues in the paper bag factory could clearly feel that he had no plan at all. Many partners said that since the buyer had no plan, wouldn’t it be better, in fact, it was not···

At the beginning, this business colleague also thought it was a very easy to negotiate customer who made handbags. The previous week, he said very smoothly and talked very well. After agreeing to some data of the sample, he began to make samples of this data line paper bag, ready to confirm it for him. When the samples came out and were sent to him, He was also very happy to take a video and send it to the social circle. At that time, the business colleagues who were responsible for connecting with the customer really thought that the customer’s order was so smooth, but the problem still arrived as scheduled.
After the customer confirmed the sample and before preparing to make a large sample, the customer suddenly called a video call and said that he didn’t expect that the paper bag still needs to contain the box of the data line. Because the box of the data line has thick EVA at both ends, the whole box is very flat, but the height is much higher than the data line paper bag. I hope to correct the whole sample again.
This frightened the business colleague to call the factory for several times (the fixed line was busy, and the mobile phone signal was not very good). He asked the master not to make a large sample first. The sample changed, and the master was also puzzled. Why did he consider this problem now? A lot of materials were wasted, and he also blamed the business colleague. The consideration was not comprehensive enough. In fact, this business colleague cannot be completely blamed, because the guest said, He wanted to make a small and delicate data line paper bag, so considering that the packaging mode of data line is generally rolled up, and the actual area is not large, he didn’t ask, but fortunately, this business let business colleagues find this oversight in time. If it were some customers who are not easy to talk, it’s really unclear, and they can only suffer a loss by themselves.