I believe many businesses have doubted why others sell more expensive than me, but their business is more prosperous than me. The quality is obviously the same. Why do others choose them instead of patronizing themselves? This is due to the packaging for linkerie design made by the bra packaging bags factory for them and the changes in the consumer psychology of the whole consumers.

From the perspective of consumer psychology, it may be that at the beginning of the founding of new China, before the opening of the market economy, many things had a fixed value, including women’s underwear. Of course, at that time, they had not been paid so much attention. At the beginning of the market economy, limited by the consumption level of consumers, the gap between the rich and the poor was not very large at that time, and things that could be consumed were relatively cheap and materials were scarce, There were not many varieties. From that time until around 2000, everyone still had little money on hand and did not dare to look at you when consuming. Therefore, a price war arose at that time. Whoever sold cheap would be sold out. At that time, the packaging for linkerie factory had not developed, let alone high-end packaging.

However, since 2005, with the warming of the market economy, more and more consumers have money on hand. In recent years, a variety of industry quality problems have emerged. Many cheap clothes are made of clothes worn by old people, as well as plush toys. It makes people feel very uncomfortable to think about it. This once left a shadow in the hearts of consumers. You can never imagine how these old people died, infectious diseases Consumers, especially in our country, are very concerned about the moral, life and death. Products made of such unclean materials are good for consumers with such a consumption level. In order to dispel consumers’ misunderstanding of product materials, Junye underwear gift box factory has met merchants to solve this problem:

1. provide various certificates for the source of materials, and invest more human and material resources in publicity, but the results are conceivable and very general. Although this is a more traditional and direct solution, the underwear gift box factory does not deny the feasibility of this method. Indeed, many businesses will deal with it, and then continue to sell it at a low price to restore confidence in the market, But the profits from such a recovery are low and very long.
2. this method is quite the opposite. They directly raise the price of their products, so what should they do is the best reason to raise the price. It is too unconvincing to just think that the products are safe and healthy fabrics, so the merchants find an packaging for linkerie factory to make a color box or other style gift box customized, so that the whole product can be sold in a very high-end way, This is the second reasonable price increase and gives consumers a sense of trust. This method is also a relatively successful treatment method seen by packaging plants at present.