I believe that friends who have paid attention to Junye packaging factory’s release of paper bags for electronic products have also noticed that they have used headphones as a metaphor for making handbags. Many friends have also consulted the relevant headset bag factory and found that the headphone handbags are relatively made, and the style and size differences will be relatively large. Today, let’s know with you how many conventional sizes of headphone handbags are customized.

The length, width and height paper bag with the ratio of 27cm × 20cm × 7cm is the size only used by some relatively large headphones in the eyes of headset bag factory, and this kind of headphones has been mentioned in previous introductions, that is, some large headphones that prefer computer products. This kind of headphones is not the kind of particularly large headphones, and the kind with cotton earplugs, Just the medium size is like the size of headphones commonly used by customer service and operators in some enterprises. Because the sales volume of this kind of headphones is usually very large, the supply of this type of headphones has gradually stabilized, so this size has become a conventional size.

19cmx8cmx21cm paper bag with a length width height ratio has three starting points to consider. First, it is used for the packaging function of the medium-sized headphones mentioned above. Second, some mobile phone headphones are very small headphones, but if there are a large number of such headphones, this paper bag can also fit several small headphones, thus saving the use of some paper bags and reducing costs. Third, some portable headphones hanging around the neck, Because the position of this kind of earphone hanging on the neck is a fixed structure, unlike the earphone of ordinary mobile phones, the rope can be folded at will, so a fixed size is more important, and the size given by the earphone paper bag manufacturer is conducive to this relatively portable but relatively fixed earphone size.

11cmx7cmx12cm from the size ratio of the prefix 1, it is not difficult to find that this is actually a very small paper bag. Yes, this size of paper bag is used to hold those very small earphone paper bags. Many times, the earphones sold by street vendors are very cheap pirated products, but they are exactly the same as the appearance of genuine products. Many people also have such questions when they buy them in special stores. If I spend the price of genuine products, What you buy is just a glance at the quality of the street. Isn’t it a big injustice? So at this time, in order to stabilize consumer confidence, many businesses find headphone paper bag manufacturers to make relevant paper bags, which forcibly raises the cost. In fact, it also plays a certain anti-counterfeiting role. This just right small paper bag is a customized product for this kind of small headphones.
The regular sizes of these customized earphone paper bags are the sizes recommended by many headset bag factory in the market. I believe many careful partners have found it. Why not talk about the regular sizes of large earphones with cotton? Please note that a special space will be opened in a few days to explain it to you.