Why is the type of electronic bag fixed in a few years

Since 2014, electronic products have begun to burst out with great development potential, and this effect has indeed been achieved. Many packaging factories are busy, and more and more paper bags customization lists are available. However, in recent years, various factors have made the electronic bag industry gradually tend to be stable, and began to move from a state of diverse schools of thought to a unified consensus, But these short years are quite rare in the industry. You know, for cosmetics, tea and so on, in order to make a distinctive effect, the designers of various businesses also have their own tricks. For example, the cosmetics industry has not gradually become stable, and diversification has still occupied the mainstream of electronic gift bag customization in their industry. Today, I want to share with you about making handbags, Why can the electronic packaging paper bag industry stabilize so quickly.

Why is the type of electronic bag fixed in a few years
Why is the type of electronic bag fixed in a few years

1. The consumer age group of the electronic products packaging paper bag industry, the unity of aesthetics, electronic products in addition to mobile phone products, the vast majority of other consumer groups are relatively professional, and their understanding of products is better than any external packaging. Whether it is the packaging box of electronic products or the packaging paper bag of electronic products, their only requirement is basically unified, as long as they are stable and have a sense of science and technology, On the other hand, some consumers of mobile phone products only need to look good for the packaging paper bags of electronic products, because they don’t understand this aspect. As long as it’s not particularly poor, the appearance is acceptable, which makes the consumers of mobile phone products actually agree with the former, so there are no particularly big differences.

Why is the type of electronic bag fixed in a few years
Why is the type of electronic bag fixed in a few years

2. The state’s crackdown on this kind of fake products at the professional and technical level has made many fake factories unable to produce a large number of fake goods to muddle through. 80% of the paper bags packed with electronic products are authentic products of the merchants themselves. This is the fruit of intellectual property protection and a powerful boost to the stable development of the whole industry. Compared with the fake cosmetics that have been banned repeatedly and have not been changed repeatedly, the cost is low, The explosion of profit space is naturally less attractive.


3. Gradually dominated by a rising leading brand, every industry that directly allows consumers to use goods has one or several largest leading brands. Their industries, whether packaging or products, will have their own characteristics, while other small and medium-sized enterprises under them will imitate their ideas, of course, each will have its own characteristics, However, this follow-up operation is to make the overall trend tend to be unified or even simplified.


The above is only the reason why the industry design of electronic products packaging paper bag industry is basically the same, and stability is one of the reasons for this amazing speed, but this does not mean that diversification and change will not come again. Just like the catering industry, before McDonald’s, which fast food restaurant used kraft paper as takeout packaging material? The truth is the same. When things develop to a certain stage, they will change, but the stability before change is inevitable.

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