Does charger paper bag also need to be made in a small size?

Speaking of charger paper bag, Junye packaging factory has introduced many cases in which the size of the bag is decided due to the outer box of the product, some of which are bad and some of which are successful. But to sum up, it still depends on the cooperation between the whole electronic bag factory, especially the business colleagues who communicate the details of handbag customization between the front line and the business. Today, let me share with you. Is it best to choose the small size for the size of the charger paper bags?

Does charger paper bag also need to be made in a small size?
Does charger paper bag also need to be made in a small size?

In fact, different people have different opinions on the answer, because the charger paper bag, like the general hand-held bag, also needs to constantly confirm the size and weight of the outer box with the outer box manufacturer to adjust the material. Considering the thickness of the material, we can choose the data matching of beer board knife mold, etc., but our common charger outer box is just a simple soft box, and the volume is not large, so the size of the paper bag is often considered not to be so thick and so large, It’s enough to fit the outer box and bear the weight. Moreover, the weight is not so heavy. Conventional copper paper is fully competent.

Does charger paper bag also need to be made in a small size?
Does charger paper bag also need to be made in a small size?

But in fact, many businesses only consider the surface meaning of this charger paper bag. Yes, the most important product is that charger, but in addition to the charger, there are some safety signs, such as 220V, which are more professional physical and numerical records. Many times, businesses take into account that consumers do not pay careful attention to these things recorded on the charging head itself, So we specially print such a list for consumers. These things have their own weight and space occupation, so although this size has little impact, it must also be fully taken into account.


After such an introduction, do you have another understanding and view of the charger paper bag? Although there is no change in the whole process of making handbags, in some cases, this paper bag also has to play a role of logo publicity. If this paper bag is made very small, the corresponding logo size will also be reduced in proportion, and it will look very stingy, not up to specification, and it will look very uncomfortable. So at this time, try to increase the size of the paper bag to a size similar to the medium size, but don’t be too big, It is good enough to reflect the hot stamping process of the whole logo.

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