Use different jewelry packaging bags to deal with different groups

In the past, the packaging jewelry paper bag factory used to focus on small, exquisite, high-end and luxurious jewelry packaging bag. However, we often forget some enthusiastic buyers in China, which is known as the “Chinese aunt” with the strongest purchasing power. Today, Junye packaging will analyze their consumption habits and how to deal with…

The health product packaging of flip cover is out of date

A few days ago, when communicating with the business colleagues of Junye Paper Box manufacturer, several health product packaging manufacturers observed their design documents and found that the styles they generally want to customize are health product packaging box custom mainly made of plastic embryo flip. However, according to the observation of the carton factory…

There is a good but incomplete eco bag packaging idea

Junye packaging factory has previously talked about the feasibility of eco bag packaging and the necessity of making handbags, but the feasibility is feasible, and the necessary regulations are necessary. How to deal with the customized effect of environmental protection paper bags is the more critical implementation operation. In fact, if the operation is implemented,…

Apparel packaging bag what is the experience of unprofessional suppliers

We often say that to make friends, we need to make good friends and partners, and we need to find reliable ones. When many garment merchants choose cooperative packaging factories to provide apparel packaging bag customization services, it is difficult to tell whether the supplier who provides colorful packaging bags for themselves can professionally complete…

How to perform an inspection for an incoming packaging custom

Yesterday, Junye packaging factory revealed that the Jewelry Packaging Box company had delayed the delivery date. He received a lot of feedback on the real reasons for the delay and their usual excuses for delay. I hope to introduce more about the process of customizing gift boxes, and what other dark scenes remain unknown. Today,…

Three methods to judge the technical level of jewelry bag packaging

In addition to the strict quality requirements for their own products, jewelry merchants also have strict requirements for jewelry bag packaging custom-made cooperative packaging factories. However, the requirements are up to the requirements. How to identify the paper bag factory of the partner is also a big question. Next, Junye packaging will learn from you…

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