USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored

Last week, Junye packaging factory introduced that in the process of customizing usb gift bag, which step can be changed by paper bags. Many friends who have worked with us said that this step is a little redundant. In fact, the modification does not play a vital role in customizing usb paper bag. Therefore, many times, even if some design mistakes are found later, they will not stop and redesign the paper gift bag factory that has made handbags, Because it’s a waste of time and cost. In theory, it’s true, but it’s not just like this.

USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored
USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored

Because in the whole process of making usb gift bag, it is not a unilateral contribution, but the joint efforts and cooperation of both sides. A data line handbag can never be completed by the manufacturer alone. Many data line handbag manufacturers can’t make their own decisions, but sometimes, unless they have some very professional knowledge of printing technology, otherwise, the business itself, It is also necessary to participate in it, because as mentioned above, it is only the instinctive first reaction of the merchants that whether they are dissatisfied with the design needs to be modified, but in fact, in addition to this reason, as well as the reasons of the factory, the merchants have to intervene in time to make modifications and adjustments.

USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored
USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored

In the manufacturing process of a data line handbag, the most common problem is that some sizes are too small. For example, the beer board knife mold will also be made very fine. Sometimes many manufacturers are not very serious, and when they treat it carelessly, there will be problems. These molds are likely to appear less and narrower by a few millimeters, which seems not to affect much, but in fact, no matter ordinary samples or bulk samples come out, It will appear a little unsatisfactory, which is very different from the original design of the designer, because these abnormal conditions can easily lead to the emergence of failed products.

USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored
USB gift bag details that cannot be ignored

So under normal circumstances, no matter what step the usb gift bag is taking, as long as it allows businesses to participate, we must pay attention to follow-up and supervision. It is not unreasonable to lose a trifle. This is a very practical problem, and we must carefully examine the confirmed documents, otherwise it will always be our own loss.

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