The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step

A beautiful perfume box set can bring a good sales volume to perfume merchants, thus promoting the deeper cooperation between perfume merchants and perfume boutique box manufacturers. However, the premise is that the packaging factory can provide a beautiful Perfume Packaging Box, which is an important condition for further cooperation between perfume merchants and perfume boutique box manufacturers. So what perfume box is a quasi gift box packaging level?

The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step
The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step

Most perfume styles are in the form of columns or cuboids, so the packaging box for making this product is actually the same as the customized structure of the gift cosmetic box, but there are some differences. The cosmetic box also includes the flat box type of foundation make-up, while the box type of perfume is 95% or 90% of the vertical structure. This data can be seen in the production sample room of Junye perfume box set manufacturer, All related are vertical cuboids, so choosing a suitable box type is a very important step.

The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step
The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step

After the box type is determined, the materials used for making this packaging box are the most important. At present, soft boxes account for a large number of materials in the market for perfume box set, while hard boxes account for a small number, but the value is that hard boxes account for a larger proportion. Soft boxes account for a large number of the market, but the unit price is low. They are used by many cheaper perfume. Businesses need to take their seats according to the number to determine the route of this product, Tell the manufacturer of perfume boutique box and you will get the corresponding answer. The cardboard box market is a medium – and high-end crowd, which is suitable for gift giving. Therefore, the value of the product itself will be highly shaped, and it is certain to improve the competitiveness of the product.

The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step
The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step

After the box type and material are confirmed, it is time to select the process and color. Different from the ordinary packaging color box, the color box is applicable to some fancy products, and the applicable process is also limited. Four color printing, as businessmen who have done color box know, once the quantity is too large, the product color of the first and last batches of four-color printing brush is certainly different, but if the spot color printing, The manufacturer of perfume box set will offer a very expensive price. Therefore, it is recommended to simplify everything here, just use the logo, and use bronzing or UV technology. The skills highlight the product trademark, and can have some unique atmosphere, giving consumers a different experience.

The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step
The manufacturing of perfume box set follows the factory step by step

After all the items have been determined, basically the customized packaging box of the perfume product can be officially put into production. Following the process of proofing → confirmation → bulk cargo → logistics, you can receive a batch of satisfied perfume outer packaging from the manufacturer of perfume box set.

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