4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging

Yesterday, a news from Junye packaging factory told buyers not to worry, but also to participate in the business cooperation. Many businesses sent us e-mails to ask us what we need to pay attention to in the process of paper necklace box customization, and what we need to pay special attention to. The previous articles taught us how to judge whether it is reliable from the side, that is, the phenomenon shown by various necklace boxes packaging factories, However, some important Jewelry Packaging Box details are easy to be ignored in the process of jewelry box customization. Today, I will share with you what needs attention.

4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging
4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging

From the basic point of view, it is the color matching of spot color. Color matching is simple. It means that the color is the same as the color selected on Pantone color card. If you think so, you are wrong. Xiaobian has seen the color matching of the masters with his own eyes. They rely more on their own experience and the naked eye to identify. Their color matching is through the continuous mixing of ink and pigment in different proportions, Then the ink is rolled and adjusted with the strength of the body, which looks like rubbing flour. However, rubbing flour only uses the strength of the palm and arm. For color matching, it needs to mobilize the strength of the master’s whole body to mix. It is very important to master the color. The color should not be too light. It should be properly compared with the color on the color card. With their experience in color comparison, Determine whether the color of the necklace boxes packaging uses this ink, so when receiving the sample, you must remember to compare the color, and whether it is consistent with the main color of the design draft or the color card you originally selected.

4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging
4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging

After comparing the colors, it is necessary to identify the box type materials of the whole box. Due to the different prices and quality of internal materials such as cardboard, gray cardboard, white gray background, black gray background, etc., it is not ruled out that some cardboard necklace box factories do this batch of customized packaging tasks by shoddy, so it is also very important to identify the internal materials. Secondly, it is another aspect that is easy to be ignored, It is the convenience of the box.

4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging
4 easy to miss details of necklace boxes packaging

What is convenience? What is convenient is whether the use of the box is smooth or not. Will it be difficult to use it? For example, if the structure of the box is a heaven and earth cover, it is difficult to lift the heaven and earth cover, and it is difficult to take out the floor cover. Let alone consumers, it is very difficult for businessmen to put jewelry necklaces into the customized box packed with necklaces. In addition to flip covers and book boxes, heaven and earth covers and drawer boxes should be easy to use, but they should not be too loose, Therefore, it is easy to forget the details of the operation that the box is drawn a few times to see whether the tightness of the separation is appropriate.


In addition to the above three points, there is actually the last detail. We can see whether the carton factory has cut corners. If the necklace packaging you choose is custom-made paper mounted on the bottom, and you also use standard paper mounted on the bottom, you should pay attention. I believe that there is no brand headdress in the market that uses the necklace boxes packaging without an inner support. If there is an inner support, it will certainly cover the bottom of the carton, In fact, the face paper at the bottom of the inner side of the carton is easy to be ignored. Some of them are not mounted. However, there is a sense of luck that there is an inner support to stop them and muddle along. Therefore, at this time, the merchants should cheer up and carefully check the box, especially when sampling large goods. This detail must be done. A piece of face paper at the bottom of the inner side is nothing, and a total of 10000 or 20000 pieces is not a small number.

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