There are many dead corners in the luxury packaging paper bag with logo design, which may not be considered by the designer of the business. Next, Junye jewelry paper bag factory will summarize some unreasonable process collocations in the process of making handbags that cannot be completed by the current industrial technology, so as to help you get some new knowledge and avoid any embarrassing scenes in the negotiation with the paper bag factory.

1. Full version hot stamping, no matter whether your jewelry paper bag is hot stamping, silver stamping or more rare green stamping in the design of customized paper bag, you can’t choose full version hot stamping. The hot stamping version of handbag can’t achieve this effect. Generally, this kind of hot stamping is required. You can only choose several grades of cardboard. The appearance of cardboard should not be said much. Even the dumb gold perm will be better than him, However, there is no solid line full-scale hot stamping, so the common bronzing on the handbag is mainly a small logo.

2. Full version UV, UV is a kind of varnish process that makes the product surface transparent but bright. Unlike hot stamping technology, this layer is directly transferred to the paper surface by pressure heating. Hot stamping this transfer method will have a high probability of making a little dent in the paper, just like making a dent. There is a small groove in the hot stamping place, while UV is just the opposite. It looks more like the transfer method of ink, Moreover, if it is thick, it will slowly accumulate and form like 3D printing, but it will protrude. But the reason why this kind of jewelry paper bag customized paper bag design cannot be done is the same as full-scale hot stamping, which is beyond the scope of mechanical printing. The only scope that full-scale hot stamping and full-scale UV can do is that if it is on the side of a relatively small carton, it can be full-scale hot stamping and UV, but that is also the size of the carton and paper bag, Generally, it has exceeded the maximum size of hot stamping and UV equipment, which is impossible.
3. Uv+ hot stamping, these two processes are rare and cannot be matched, because hot stamping is the pressure delivery of telephone aluminum foil to paper, while UV is some gloss materials. The combination of these two processes will produce subtle adverse reactions, hot stamping will be destroyed, and UV will be accompanied by some adverse reactions, which cannot achieve the effect of gloss oil, so this is a meaningless and futile process matching practice, Maybe this kind of jewelry paper bag custom paper bag design idea is very good. Add a layer of reflective UV varnish to the hot stamping pattern of metal light, and the dream is always so beautiful, but the reality really can’t do it, and there will be such a dilemma.
The above three kinds are the designs that businesses and designers should try to avoid in the process of jewelry paper bag customization paper bag design, and in the process of negotiation, try not to mention the above three ideas, so as to avoid the manufacturer knowing that you are a junior brother, but killing you as a wrongdoer.