Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons

I believe that when many businesses go to the jewelry paper bag factory to make jewelry paper bags customized, there is only one requirement for the public good of printing, that is, accuracy. The accuracy mentioned here is the accuracy of color, but few manufacturers can provide very accurate customized effects of handbags to businesses, especially in the four-color printing, there will be a large color difference in the handbags at the head and tail, which makes many businesses have questions, Today, Xiaobian will share with you why this phenomenon often occurs in four-color printed paper bag customized products.

Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons
Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons

First of all, a very important and important prerequisite is the problem of purchased four-color printing ink. The four-color printing ink will seriously affect the color effect of a batch of jewelry paper bag factory due to the quality of ink or powder spraying. The first serious problem is oxidation. Most of the time, it is not the carelessness of the master or operator who makes handbags, but the problem of ink materials, After the CMYK value has just been blended, the printing effect appears to be very close to the design drawing. However, after about an hour, the humorous effect of this value will be oxidized, and the color will change. Generally speaking, becoming lighter is a common form. This is a typical ink problem, which leads to the color deviation of the handbag.

Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons
Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons

Then there is the problem of color matching, which is commonly known as color tracking. In many cases, the color tracking master can only follow the color by comparing the color of the sample or design draft, and use the followed color as a comparison, so that the machine can complete the color tracking effect as far as possible. However, the most critical step in this process is the step of manual proofreading, which means that there is a high probability of deviation, There are many uncertain factors, such as different light and printing materials, different colors, etc. but this step is usually performed by some very skilled masters, which reduces the probability of deviation of many jewelry paper bags.

Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons
Color error jewelry paper bag factory gives reasons

From raw materials to manual work, it is not difficult to find that there is an impact on the customized colors of jewelry paper bag factory product. In the face of so many problems, we can only do our best to restore each color, and try our best to let businesses get samples that are highly similar to their design drafts

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