Some little friends who often pay attention to the news of the garment paper bag factory should have noticed that they have a clear understanding of some common custom specifications of paper bags for clothes and the matching proportion with the portable rope, but this does not mean that you have thoroughly mastered the small details of handbag customization and some trendy ideas. Today, I will share with you a new breakthrough specification idea, which will brighten your eyes.

In the conventional proportion of paper bags for clothes, the proportion between the size of the paper bag and the size of the hand-held rope is about one-third to one-half of the size that can be hung on both sides of the hand-held bag. This is an acceptable range that can be recognized by the human eye, so today’s tradition is to break this acceptable range and subvert this range, The length of the hand-held rope is set to be larger, so that the whole product can be seen by the naked eye, and the hand-held rope can even touch the bottom. This design has almost no industrial difficulty in making handbags. Why does garment paper bag factory do this?

The most important point is that this can make a new variety or subspecies appear in the long-standing clothing paper bag customization specifications, and make consumers feel more fresh. Secondly, since the length of the portable rope is extended, the thickness used in the customization of the paper bag can not be used back to the previous small ropes. Switching to a larger rope will make consumers feel a sense of freshness, This kind of fresh consumption impulse is often more efficient than buying after carefully selecting goods and comparing them with three stores and considering a number of factors. Therefore, the shape of this rope must be more eye-catching and innovative. Thick rope and dark rope are better choices.

But since there is a breakthrough, is there a wrong demonstration of paper bag customization for clothes? There must be. This kind of subversion is one-way. garment paper bag factory can only change the portable rope, not shrink the paper bag. There are two reasons. First, it is to ensure the practicality of the paper bag. It can not be because the bag should be innovated to shrink it, so that the product can not be completely packed into the paper bag, or the embarrassing thing of breaking the paper bag occurs; 2、 We should not subvert the traditional impression too much. A paper bag that is too small can only contain certain specific products. In fact, these ideas have become a deep-rooted thinking for everyone. Breaking them all at once will lead people to be neither fish nor fowl, but backfire.