Details are often the key to success or failure and quality, which is also true in the view of packaging factories. When ordering handbags for many electronic products, only the shell of the paper bags are made perfectly, but some important things are ignored. However, a qualified electronic gift bag factory must not ignore this detail, which is very important.

This detail is that after making the handbag, the electronic gift bag factory should put a cardboard of about the same area inside the bottom of the paper bag, that is, the side that plays a key role in loading, to support the weight of the product. Why is it so troublesome to add such a layer to the handbag? Did you do this for the sake of cheating the merchants?

The answer is of course not. First of all, let’s analyze that the paper bags made by electronic bag factory in the market are generally sealed at the bottom, which means that the bottom of this paper bag customization needs to be sewn with glue, and it is not the paper itself that holds the product continuously on one side. This sewn part will reduce the load-bearing performance of the bottom of the paper bag itself. Maybe many friends will say, Why is this thing not found in paper bags in other industries on the market? A paper bag can also be used to load products properly.

This depends on the weight of products in other industries. Generally speaking, the industries that need gift bags are dominated by some delicate and small products, and the electronic product industry is also exquisite, so many electronic product gift bag manufacturers can survive, but the manufacturers also know that the goods they pack are very metal, which makes the weight of products begin to rise, If you add a piece of cardboard with the same area as the bottom to the bottom of the gift bag, you can effectively share part of the pressure, evenly distribute it to the surface of the paper, and then disperse it from the surface to the four corners of the gift bag. In this way, you can avoid the embarrassment of cracking the opening sewn with glue in the middle of the bottom as much as possible.
In fact, in addition to adding a piece of paper to the paper bags of electronic gift bag factory, many cosmetic industries and gift bags of shoes are also slowly emerging such detailed operations, so that consumers’ consumption is more comfortable is our common goal.