Many businesses may also have some questions. With the baptism of a long time, the various industries of the paper bags made by the packaging factory have changed to varying degrees. However, the size, style and process of the Customized mobile gift bag are basically very fixed, and they are becoming a stable tribe of the gift bag customization. Why? Today, Xiaobian will discuss with you about why.

1. The influence of the product theme is too serious. Although radios are still used in some fields from radios to call phones in the last century to mobile phones today, call phones have been withdrawn from the market, and they have existed for only a few years. This is due to the rapid development of the latter’s mobile phones. Mobile phones are different from many industries that commonly need handbags, He has no influence of changing seasons, that is, the diversity of themes is slightly weaker. Unlike the clothing industry, making handbags is almost crazy. It is not strange to have thousands of styles. However, the themes of mobile phones tend to be dominated by technical breakthroughs at that time. As the curved screen is an example in the past, some mobile phone gift bag manufacturers also found that it is not easy to have too much change, Moreover, the idea of change can easily be guessed to some directions of the whole mobile phone gift bag customization, so the style gradually tends to be more stable.

2. The supply duration is different from that of other industries. Our common foreign mobile phones are basically updated once a year, so they do not have too much demand for the innovation of paper bag customization, but tend to be unified and solidified. In other industries, the products will appear in different scales on a quarterly basis, so the replacement frequency and innovation demand for paper bags are higher, Because these items will be purchased more frequently, the probability of their packaging appearing in front of consumers will be higher. In order to avoid aesthetic fatigue, they will be more strict about their innovation. On the contrary, the customized mobile phone gift bags will not be purchased again until the products are replaced the next year, and the probability of consumers seeing the outer packaging again is very low, even if it is repeated for two years, Perhaps consumers will not feel too tired, on the contrary, they will have a sense of familiarity with time-honored brands.

Speaking of the cordiality of time-honored brands, in fact, the customized effect of many mobile phone gift bags can imitate the design of the paper bag of brand moon cakes. Their packaging has basically been changed for several years or even more than ten years, and consumers recognize this packaging to judge whether it is genuine. Therefore, the external packaging of mobile phone products, which is updated only once a year, has not changed much over the years.