How weight, length and color affect custom electronic paper bag

Two days ago, the packaging factory was introducing the types and introductions of some special paper, and everyone also had a certain understanding of the special paper materials that can be used in the custom electronic paper bag of electronic products. For example, Lenny, yansuo and wire drawing are more in line with the temperament of electronic products. If you make paper bags with special paper made of darker paper materials, it will be better and more relevant to the theme, but what do we often mean by how much g/sm of paper, Today, let’s introduce some measurement units in the process of electronic bag customization to our friends.

How weight, length and color affect custom electronic paper bag
How weight, length and color affect custom electronic paper bag

As mentioned above, GSM actually refers to the gram weight of paper per square meter used for custom electronic paper bag of electronic products. G is the gram weight. Internationalization is described in English as “g per square meter”. In fact, it is a special description of paper, and it is internationally recognized. Therefore, generally speaking, the customer service or salesperson of the manufacturer who provides customized handbags will say it very easily, It is recommended to recommend GSM single copper paper, double copper paper, etc. the heavier the weight, the thicker the paper and the greater its toughness.

How weight, length and color affect custom electronic paper bag
How weight, length and color affect custom electronic paper bag

Cm/mm, generally speaking, domestic hand-held bag orders prefer to use cm, while foreign customers will use mm more in the paper bag customization process of electronic products. Once I met a customer who was really meticulous in measuring the size of large goods, even 1mm. Of course, it was not an opinion on paper bags, because the paper bags and cartons were formed through mechanized beer board molds at that time, There was no deviation, and the bundle pockets in the box were manually tailored. Unfortunately, more than 20 of the batch exceeded the specifications of 1mm~3mm, so the commonly used sizes at home and abroad are also different.


CMYK, which focused on the color code in the printing industry last year, is actually a color system. It is the same as RGB used in computers, but this color is composed of red, black, yellow and green instead of RGB, which is composed of red, green and blue. Colors can be converted to each other, but some colors can appear in RGB, but it can’t be done in CMYK, so we can only choose similar colors, so we need to pay attention to this, In addition, many manufacturers that provide customized paper bags for electronic products can help you change from RGB to CMYK. Just learn about this.


The above three units are weight units, length units and color coding units. If you want to know more about the customization of custom electronic paper bag for electronic products, the author will bring more relevant packaging information later. Remember to pay attention.

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