Recently, there are many demands for custom cosmetic bag that cannot be provided with production services by packaging factories, especially for customized cosmetic paper bags. In this era when women are the main consumer power, the relevant gift bag are even more scarce. However, many businesses are still trying to find unknown manufacturers who can still receive orders to produce them in order to make their products available to the market by the end of the year, This is actually a very dangerous move. Why do you say so? Let’s talk about it below.

1. Timeliness, timeliness is actually the most concerned problem of businesses that need to order custom cosmetic bag, because they are all rushed to the market on some special festivals, so this problem is much easier and simpler. Many unknown manufacturers will use the logo of being able to provide handbags on time to deceive businesses’ trust, but such manufacturers often do not have enough human and material resources to complete a large number of tasks of making handbags, So it will lead to more serious delivery delay. Anyway, the unscrupulous manufacturer has earned the sample fee, and the only loss is the merchant. Therefore, although the commitment may not be trustworthy, at this time node, we need to carefully consider whether there is exaggeration in it.

2. Quality. I believe that many businesses looking for cosmetics paper bag customization partners at this time have secretly made concessions in their hearts, that is, as long as they rush out within the time, even if the quality of the bag is poor, it is actually acceptable. Their company’s annual plan cannot be delayed, but in fact, it is such a secret concession, Just so that many manufacturers with obviously problematic products can still survive through a big ticket at the end of the year. As long as they do such a rash and unplanned business at the end of the year, they have made money. In fact, like intellectual property rights, this is very delaying the development and progress of the whole industry. In order to have better development, they must not follow their habits of poor quality and connive at their poor quality.

It is these two issues that require businesses to fully consider the fate and retention of custom cosmetic bag. The most important thing is to plan the packaging production time. This time has also been mentioned in many news before Junye packaging. What is the process and time of common production? I hope you can refer to it more.