How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag

In fact, according to the inspection criteria of the packaging factory, we can basically judge whether a batch of clothes and gift paper bags are qualified products by just looking at two positions. Maybe many friends will say that it’s just the quality and color difference. It’s understandable that these two points are indeed the most prominent problems in many custom apparel paper bag defects. If these are not done well, let alone in-depth discussion, But today, let’s put these two simple ones aside. Let’s talk about the other two in-depth impacts, which are commonly known as the second inspection checkpoint.

How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag
How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag

1. Glue bonding at the beer mouth. At present, many custom apparel paper bag on the market are customized with a piece of paper, and then through the beer process, use a knife mold to cut some creases, so that the cloth packaging bags can be folded, and then glue it together with glue. And this crease can make the handbag fold freely, but we can make the beer marks of these paper bags, generally the crease in the middle of the two ends of the paper bag, which is actually made through the beer process, However, for the sake of effect, the master with excellent craftsmanship doesn’t put the whole middle crease from the top to the bottom, but only 7~10cm from the bottom. This is to make the bottom close. Although this process is very difficult, it also means that it is easy to have problems. When you get this paper bag, you can try to fold it in this position several times to see if there is cracking or glue failure in this position, This is a technological feature that tests the master who makes handbags.

How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag
How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag

2. The distance of corns opening, which seems to be a very simple process, is a very important operation in the customization process of clothes gift bags. Our consumers’ most taboo is that the paper bag is broken or broken, which really affects the consumer experience and destroys the image of a brand. Therefore, the customization of paper bags needs to ensure this basic function. Most of the time, it is not the hand rope that is broken, but the corns of paper bags can’t hold up, Tearing the opening of the paper bag, so at this time, the master is very particular about the control distance, parallelism and distance from the mouth of the corns. This specific value is hard to say, because it depends on the size of the paper bag, so that the force on each corns is uniform, rather than one or two alone bearing all the forces, so it is easy to have problems and it is a poor product.

How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag
How to measure the supplier level of custom apparel paper bag

The above two are the things to be considered in the second stage of inspection after the custom apparel paper bag. These two points can also be used to judge the quality of a paper bag and the process level of the factory. It is a very directional measurement standard.

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