We often say that to make friends, we need to make good friends and partners, and we need to find reliable ones. When selecting cooperative packaging factories to provide garment paper bag customization services, it is difficult for many garment merchants to distinguish whether the supplier who provides himself with handbag making can professionally complete his list. After all, garment merchants sell not only their own products, but also the value of outer packaging, So today, Junye packaging Xiaobian will check with you. How can we learn from the dialogue with customer service whether this paper bag factory is a reassuring partner.

First of all, in the dialogue, the customer service of various processes should have a certain understanding and be able to respond quickly to provide you with fast and accurate answers for those who need to customize clothing paper bags. For example, there is no way to complete some unrestrained easy matching, concave technology + UV varnish technology. At least so far, if the customer service trade rashly agrees to your unrestrained ideas, you should pay attention, He may not have been confirmed by a professional merchandiser. When you think it is feasible, you go on happily step by step. Later, he learned that this is not feasible, so the soybean milk mentioned before will come to naught.

Then there is the usual excuse for delay in delivery time mentioned in the previous two days. If they delay again and again, they may have some trouble in the process of ordering clothing paper bags, resulting in the failure of your hand-held bags to be delivered to the logistics company. This is a big taboo for reliable partners. If they are not particularly good or strategic partners, change a partner as soon as possible. They don’t treat each other sincerely, It’s really not worth it.

The last is the constant change of price, which excludes 1 The rise of raw material prices is usually industry wide, rather than something that can be controlled by a hand-held bag customization factory, so this is not considered. 2. Changes in design drafts or product specifications are bound to lead to price changes, which may be more or less, so this situation is not within this changing range.

So what kind of price change can be regarded as the reliable judgment basis for this garment paper bag customization partner? It’s that they constantly miscalculate the price of freight and packing. This miscalculation is fatal. Generally, the price of paper bags customized for clothing paper bags has been calculated by the merchandiser from the beginning, and the customer service they talk to you need to control is the cost profit. The cost includes the cost of express delivery or international logistics, They often change the price. If the two reasonable situations mentioned above are excluded, it is because their customer service is not professional, such as not considering the change of specification and weight. If you still choose to cooperate with this less professional team, Junye Xiaobian says here: farewell!